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If you loves you some Copper River salmon, but don’t know what restaurants and retailers carry it, I have some good news for you — there’s an app for that.
The Copper River Salmon/Prince William Sound Marketing Association announced on Feb. 9 that Copper River Salmon is launching what it hails as the first-ever Salmon Locator App on Facebook. The app’s trade launch will take place just prior to the International Boston Seafood Show, which takes place at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center March 11-13. A consumer launch of the app will follow at the start of the 2012 Copper River fishery.
The Salmon Locator is designed to direct users to stores and restaurants that carry Copper River kings, sockeye and coho salmon during their respective seasons. Kings are available in May and June, sockeyes from May to July, and cohos from August to September.
So how does the app work? Shoppers log on to www.findcopperriver.org, which brings you to the Salmon Locator on Copper River Salmon’s Facebook page. You type in your location (city, address or zip code) to find you nearest retailers and restaurants carrying Copper River salmon. Generous salmon lovers who wish to share the love can tag the name and address of a store or restaurant that carries Copper River fish.
The app will also help the region’s fishermen connect with where their product is being sold. And food bloggers in 15 key markets will help find and tag Copper River salmon in their cities.
Time will tell whether the Facebook app catches on, but it’s always encouraging to see other avenues for seafood marketing like social media apps being explored.
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