The Sorting Table: "That conversation is going to have to happen"
The Sorting Table delves into commercial fishing news from coast to coast. The editorial staff of National Fisherman invites you to share your insights on what’s going on in the industry.

CategoriesRecent EntriesCatch shares: A nation dividedSupporting cast growingGetting ready for the rallyWhat's next for Maine's shrimpers?"That conversation is going to have to happen"California cannabis cultivation compromising cohos? No accounting for fund mismanagementAt least put a label on itWhetting your app-etite for Copper River salmonCod cuts illustrate need for March 21 fishermen's rallyRecent CommentsMike Dolan on NOAA is all apologiesBrian on Introducing the iLobsterBen on Introducing the iLobsterBeringFisherman on Groundfish catch shares going bi-coastal Dick Allen on Jane, doh!National Fisherman on Jane, doh!Wreckfish on Jane, doh!Sierra Anderson on Facing factsken grimshaw on Tough loveJessica on Recovery in a snapArchivesMarch 2012February 2012January 2012December 2011November 2011October 2011September 2011August 2011July 2011June 2011« California cannabis cultivation compromising cohos? |Main| What's next for Maine's shrimpers? »March 05, 2012"That conversation is going to have to happen"
These were the words of Maine's new DMR Commissioner Patrick Keliher, who was introduced on Friday, March 2, at the Maine Fishermen's Forum by Gov. Paul LePage. Keliher was talking about what efforts will be made to bring the groundfish fleet back to Portland and the related issue of whether draggers will one day be allowed to land lobsters in Maine (which they can do in Massachusetts ports). Watch the video to hear what he said:
In his first public address to Maine's fishermen, Keliher also talked about possible branding efforts for Maine seafood that would be similar to the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, improving access to the resource and preserving working waterfronts. His complete opening remarks are in the video posted below. — Melissa Wood
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