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Last week at the Maine Fishermen's forum, Maine shrimpers looked back at another short season. Many are anticipating that allocations will be the next step to control effort in one of the last open-access fisheries.
The 2012 season, which lasted only 7 weeks, still exceeded the 2200 metric ton quota by possibly as much as 400 metric tons (about 880,000 pounds). Maggie Hunter, of the Maine Department of Marine Resources, blamed much of the overages on late reporting by dealers. Her full rundown of the season that breaks down the catch by week and by gear is in the video clip below.
Most agree that something needs to be done, but can it be done fairly? Marshall Alexander of Biddeford Pool who sat on the panel said he wishes there was room for everyone in the fishery, but that the current system just isn't working:
But talk of allocations raised concerns that the fishery could go the way of the state's groundfish fleet. Those in attendence, including Portland fisherman Rob Odlin and Rick Trundy of Stonington, also spoke up against the dangers of this year's set season, which limited catch days to Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and the problem of pitting draggers and trappers against each other as rules may favor one over the other (as you'll see from Maggie's presentation trappers had a tough year in 2012).
It's hard to say what exactly is next for Maine shrimpers. As some pointed out, it's a good winter fishery for those trying hard to make a living year-round in Maine waters. We'll keep you posted in National Fisherman, which will feature an at-sea story from this year's season in an upcoming issue. — Melissa Wood
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