SPECIMEN bass continue to be caught from the Admiralty pier at Dover with the very end of the pier again producing double-figure bass, writes Alan Yates.
Dover regular Brian Price, who works as a steward on Dover's Admiralty pier, landed three bass in midweek with the biggest a superb specimen of 12lb 8oz.
The Sea Angler magazine cameras were there to record the event and the full story, with some impressive pictures, will appear in the next issue of the magazine. Others to catch bass from the pier include Dover's Matt Pennall, who landed a seven-pounder.
Around the region the fishing reflects the gradually changing season with the autumn fish starting to show up and a change coming over the inshore.
In the club competitions, the best fish was a 4lb 8oz smoothhound hooked by Folkestone angler Melvin Lee in the latest Martin Walters Sea Anglers event fished from Folkestone pier.
Lee totalled 6lb 6oz to beat second-placed Jimmy McMurray and third-placed Rowan Lee.
THE latest Dungeness Angler Association event, also fished from Folkestone pier, was won by Paul Gunner with 7.80lb. John Smith of Ashford was second and Steve Harvey third.
The Fountain sea anglers fished a rover between Folkestone and Sandgate and the winner there was Sam Warne, of Hythe, fishing in the rocks at Folkestone where he landed two dogfish and pouting. Best fish of the event was a sole of 1lb 6oz.
FRESHWATER results include a nine-carp catch at Nichols Leisure lakes, Palmarsh for Mark Edwards, of Sheerness, who included a best 29lb 3oz mirror and a 19lb common fishing in the Long Bay with Matrix Boilies. The recent competition at Nichols was won by venue specialist Paul Watts, of Dover, fishing peg 58. Second was Paul Uden, third Rueben Heaton.
Folkestone Fly angling club anglers Martin Gibson and Ian Watts won the Hampshire and Kent heats of the Fishing for Heroes national competition and raised over £2000 in the process.
Martin won the Dever, Hampshire event with a 15lb rainbow trout and a total of four fish for 30lb. Ian took the Kent heat at Springhill fishery.
COMPETITIONS coming up include the Deal Marines Sea Angling Club charity competition in aid of Help for Heroes on the beach at Deal this Sunday, September 23. The fishing is from 12.30pm until 6.30pm. Entry fee is £10. For tickets and more details contact John ChidwicK on 07917 330034.
IF you have caught a big fish, won a match, freshwater or sea, why not let us know about it. Contact Alan Yates on 01303 250017, 07790 132656 or e-mail alankyates@aol.com.