Catch Cormier
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Ponds provide youngsters a close-to-home environment to develop their fly casting and fly selection skills.With the mild winter we?ve had, the coastal ponds are getting thick with grass. The grass helps to maintain clarity, so reds can be easily sighted. Getting a fly through heavy moss is the problem. Consider a bendback style fly. The Prince of Tides has a body made of gold braid covered with epoxy or overwrapped with mono, for extra flash. The Bendback Mullet has a woolhead that pushes water, such that it alerts the fish to its presence. In areas where there?s no or little grass, dark-colored spoon flies remain a good option this month. Foil pencil poppers in purple or gold are also killers as long as the water stays clear.Bass are on the spawning beds. Use a long leader, and cast a leech pattern or a sqwirm worm just slightly past the fish, then twitch it slowly across the bed. The result is often a strike. Please release these bass as they are in the process of creating our future.The first solid bream catches will take place this month in the southern parishes. Two of the best places to fly fish for bluegill in Louisiana is Lake Cataouche near Westwego and Bayou Black near Houma. A slow falling fly like a chartreuse ligon works great in the grass beds. Millers Lake near Ville Platte produces big chinquapin in early spring. Try a black and chartreuse cap spider, and avoid using a strike indicator. The water in Millers is way too clear and indicators tend to distract the fish.
Crappie will be moving to the shallows this month. Try fluff butts, crappie candies and small clousers.
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