The Virginian-Pilot
© April 12, 2012
Today marks the return of The Pilot's Fishing Forecast. As many anglers already know, the waters of coastal Virginia and northeastern North Carolina form one of the best fishing areas on the planet. In these waters, there are a multitude of year-long opportunities.
While the area's reputation rides mostly on its saltwater fisheries, there also are many outstanding freshwater lakes and rivers to fish.
Our waters also offer the chance to catch true trophies in a variety of species.
This time of year, we usually start things off by talking about largemouth bass - America's most revered species. Because the bass can be found throughout the continental United States, anglers spend more hours targeting this fish than any other.
Locally, largemouth can be found in water supply lakes, private ponds, neighborhood water retention ponds and throughout an expansive span of tidal rivers and creeks.
Because of the mild winter and early arrival of spring, there have been many reports of fish already guarding shoreline spawning areas.
This is the time of year when the species can be at its most vulnerable, as it feeds in preparation for the spawn.
Shallow-running crankbaits, spinnerbaits and chatterbaits all are good choices this time of year to find fish roaming shorelines in search of mates and food.
Topwater lures - both slow-moving and fast - worked around shoreline cover also will produce.
Be sure to have a second rod rigged with a soft plastic bait to toss in the direction of a missed strike.
Where fish are found on or around their beds, big creature baits cast softly around cover also will produce.
Hampton Roads
While school-sized striper have kept anglers busy for the past few weeks, growing attention is being paid to an earlier-than-usual flounder bite along the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, the Baltimore Channel, around Buoy 36 A and in the Back River near Poquoson. Many keeper-sized flatties also are being caught along Ocean View and inside Lynnhaven Inlet.
Still, the top producing area this time of year is the third island curve of the CBBT.
Tautog action has been outstanding recently, with catches coming from the CBBT tubes and pilings all the way out to the Triangle Wrecks. Many fish are topping 10 pounds, like the new state record 24-pound, 3-ounce giant caught recently by Ken Neill of Seaford. There is little reason to think this fishery won't continue to be strong, at least until waters get too warm.
Speckled trout are the other strong possibility, with the waters of the Elizabeth River and around the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel being two of the best locations. Rudee Inlet also has been producing, but the big news there has been the number of gray trout up to 5 pounds that have been caught. Many anglers, out of respect for the species' limited numbers the past few years, are choosing to release grays.
Croaker are starting to bite around Ocean View and the mouth of Little Creek Inlet. Look for a few hardheads around the CBBT and over many old oyster beds.
Anglers working offshore can expect good action from tilefish, grouper and rosefish. They might even find a few yellowfin and bluefin tuna.
Eastern Shore
What else is there to say except flounder? This is the time when droves of anglers head to Chincoteague and Wachapreague for the first runs of these tasty flatfish. And because of the mild winter, action appears to be ahead of schedule. Many fish - some topping 5 pounds - already have been encountered in backwater sloughs, especially around Wachapreague and Oyster. And things are simply going to get better as Virginia's new 16.5-inch size limit will permit anglers to find more keepable fish than in years past.
Big red drum also are starting to show along barrier-island sandbars, signaling that anglers can expect some outstanding early spring action. Fisherman's Island has been an early hot spot.
Tautog also are being found around coastal wrecks and artificial reefs up and down the Peninsula, with better action coming from deeper waters.
Outer Banks
Bluewater action has been off to an early start this year.
Out of Hatteras Inlet, there has been an outstanding run of wahoo to go with scattered tuna and dolphin. A few billfish can be expected.
Out of Oregon Inlet, yellowfin have provided most of the action so far.
Inshore anglers working the coast are starting to find incredible sight-casting opportunities for big red drum from south of Ocracoke north to the state line.
Anglers looking for drum should keep a close eye out for the first run of cobia.
Bluefish also are becoming more abundant and the first Spanish mackerel have shown.
Look to the sounds for speckled trout and puppy drum.
Pier and Surf
The biggest news on this horizon is the continued closure of fishable beaches along the Outer Banks from Bodie Island spit south to Ocracoke. That's not great news, especially since more and more big red drum are being encountered by nighttime anglers working around Cape Point.
Anglers still wanting to venture to the islands can expect small shark, skate, blow toads, sea mullet, a few croaker and some small flounder. Some speckled trout and red drum will be caught in the inlets.
Along Virginia's beaches, some red drum will be found as schools of fish move north. Anglers working several piers are starting to catch some croaker, sea mullet and small founder.
While largemouth bass are going to be the most sought-after species, there are plenty of other offerings.
Most notable is a continued run of large blue catfish in many tidal systems, especially the James, Chickahominy and Northwest - the latter of which has produced several of its biggest-ever blues.
Lakes, ponds and streams also are yielding good numbers of crappie, white perch, yellow perch and increasing numbers of bluegill and shellcracker.
Lee Tolliver, (757) 222-5844, lee.tolliver@pilotonline.com