Headwaters Bamboo Rod Company is looking for some “crowdfunding” of their bamboo casting rod manufacturing. It’s kind of like a group buy, but you put your money up front for a good cause and typically some kind of swag. Go all in for $500 and you’ll get a limited edition rod from the first 100 run, complete with a beautiful display case. Want just the rod? That will only set you back $250- an INSANE price for a custom handmade bamboo fishing rod.
Looking for a one-of-a-kind gift for the fisherman the has everything? You just found it!
Bamboo fishing rods are a cool, handcrafted blast from the past with more than 25 hours of labor in each one. Contemporary bamboo rod makers tend to focus on fly fishing rods–but why shouldn’t conventional fishermen enjoy fishing bamboo as well? Sixty years ago all respectable fishing rods were crafted of bamboo and today we are bringing that same opportunity to you.
What’s this all about, anyway? By pledging your support of this project, you are pre-ordering a bamboo casting rod at a huge discount. Our projected retail price for these rods is $500 so backers of this project will get rods at over 50% off (we’re covering US shipping too). See backer reward options on the right for details.
These rods make great gifts and at this price, you may consider more than one. If you’d like to give a rod as a Christmas gift, we’d be happy to provide a gift certificate. Please add a note when you place your pre-order.
When will backer rewards ship? Your pre-order will be initiated at funding of this project. Rods typically take about 4 weeks to build, so we’ll ship by the middle to end of January based on total volume ordered and where your pre-order sits in the queue (so order early!). We’ll provide weekly build updates until all pre-order rods are shipped.
What makes these rods unique? Each rod is painstakingly hand-split and hand-planed of genuine Tonkin bamboo, and then formed into the iconic hexagonal blank–a 5-1/2 foot, light-action, browntone casting rod.
Read more and show your support on PeerBackers.com

Filed Under: Fishing, Fishing Rods, Freshwater, Gear, Incredible, Videos
Tagged: bamboo fishing rod, bamboo rod, casting rod, christmas gift, croudfunding, display case, fly fishing rods, gift certificate, great gifts, headwaters, Headwaters Bamboo Rod Company, insane price, Limited Edition, peerbackers