I’m no die-hard walleye fisherman, but I’ve seen a few big walleye in my life time. At no point have I ever laid my eyes on one this big though!
The fish in the video above weighted 16 pounds at 32 inches long, with 20 inches of girth! If I hadn’t seen this on video, I’d suspect that the guys we’re drinking heavily and miss-identified a pike, but the video proves otherwise.
The current world record walleye is held by Al Nelson’s 22-pound 11-ounce walleye caught in Fairfield Bay on Greer’s Lake, Arkansas in 1982. But a 25-pounder was once caught in the Niagara River- though it was snagged by a salmon fisherman and did not qualify.

Filed Under: Fishing
Tagged: Amazing, big fish, die hard, fairfield bay, girth, lake arkansas, niagara river, omg, pounder, walleye fisherman, world record walleye