Newport, Ore. – With only about 1,000 pounds remaining in the harvest quota, fishery managers today closed the spring all-depth Pacific halibut fishery for the central Oregon coast.
The spring all-depth Pacific halibut fishery for the central coast subarea (from Cape Falcon south to Humbug Mountain) was open 15 days, resulting in the harvest of approximately 115,000 pounds of Pacific halibut. After the most recent opening on June 23-25, only about 1,000 pounds remained in the quota. Not enough to have another spring opening, according to Lynn Mattes, ODFW halibut fisheries project leader.
Instead, remaining quota will be transferred to the summer all-depth fishery, which opens on Aug. 5. The summer all-depth quota will be approximately 43,500 lbs.
Anglers are allowed to harvest one halibut per day of any size. The possession limit is one daily limit at sea and three daily limits on land. The annual limit is six fish per angler.